LiDAR USA vs. Velodyne Lidar

September 24, 2021

LiDAR USA vs. Velodyne Lidar: Who's the Leader in SCM Software?

If you're familiar with LiDAR technology, you know it's used in various applications such as self-driving cars, robotics, and even in Supply Chain Management (SCM) software. LiDAR technology enables manufacturers and warehouses to create an accurate 3D representation of their facilities, which can help optimize product placement, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency.

Two major companies that provide LiDAR technology for SCM software are LiDAR USA and Velodyne Lidar. In this blog post, we'll compare the two and see how they stack up against each other.

Price Comparison:

Price is always a crucial factor to consider when selecting software for your SCM needs. Here's a side-by-side price comparison of LiDAR USA and Velodyne Lidar:

Company Price
LiDAR USA $11,000
Velodyne $7,999

As you can see, Velodyne Lidar is the more cost-effective option, making it a popular choice among companies on a tight budget.

Speed Comparison:

Speed is another critical factor to consider when selecting your SCM software. Here's a comparison of how fast the two companies' LiDAR technology can scan a whole warehouse:

Company Average Time to Scan a Warehouse
LiDAR USA 4-8 hours
Velodyne 2-3 hours

Velodyne Lidar's technology is faster than LiDAR USA, taking half the time to scan a warehouse. This quicker scanning time can help reduce downtime and speed up your SCM process.

Accuracy Comparison:

Lastly, accuracy is of utmost importance when you're selecting your LiDAR technology. Here's a comparison of how accurate LiDAR USA and Velodyne Lidar can be:

Company Accuracy Margin of Error
Velodyne 3cm

LiDAR USA has slightly more accurate LiDAR technology than Velodyne Lidar, with a lower margin of error of 2cm compared to 3cm.


When it comes to selecting the right LiDAR technology for your SCM needs, both LiDAR USA and Velodyne Lidar are excellent choices. While LiDAR USA offers more accuracy, Velodyne Lidar is more cost-effective and faster. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which company will meet your specific needs.

We hope this comparison helped you make an informed decision. Happy shopping!


  1. LiDAR USA. (2021). The LiDAR USA Advantage.
  2. Velodyne Lidar. (2021). Velodyne Lidar Puck™.

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